David Brent Grantham
Mar 14, 20236 min read
Clockspeed: Hybrid Intelligence (HI) for Adaptive Regional Hydrogen Hubs
March 14, 2023 The hydrogen decade began with a frenzy of planned global investment and public discourse regarding the proper formation...

David Brent Grantham
Oct 7, 20183 min read
Front-running: Racing up the Innovation Curve with AI and High Performance Computing
October 7, 2018 As the grand disruption in the clean energy economy accelerates, let's consider how artificial intelligence (AI) and high...

David Brent Grantham
Sep 12, 20184 min read
Animal Spirits in the Clean Energy Economy: Disruption, Plasticity and the Innovation Imperative
September 12, 2018 In last year’s article for National Clean Energy Week, I wrote about a next gen utility that develops new technology...

David Brent Grantham
Sep 26, 20173 min read
National Clean Energy Week: Next Gen Utilities as Complex Adaptive Systems
September 26, 2017 The rapid buildout of renewable energy technologies, applications and assets in the distributed generation space has...

David Brent Grantham
Apr 26, 20162 min read
Capacity Acquisition in Complex Adaptive Systems
April 26, 2016 Relatively high and often extreme levels of variability and unpredictability characterize the amplitudes of modern,...